About Us

Make a difference in your world. Reuse and Recycle.


Give people the knowledge and facts regarding the different plastics and their impact on our planet


Demonstrate how by knowing about plastic we can all make simple changes in our regular usage to reduce, reuse, recycle plastic


Give people tools to spread awareness and take action to be prepared for the ban on the use of single-use plastic items in India from July 1, 2022

A circular economy offers a pathway to more sustainable resource management

Creating a positive impact in reducing global plastic pollution and increasing the sustainability of our existing plastic products.

How a bacterium may help solve the plastic pollution crisis.

Knowing Plastics to help meet future plastic waste targets and create highly sustainable products accepted by rapidly evolving consumer demands.

Adopting sustainable and circular approaches that are helping contribute to tackling the global plastic pollution crisis.

Educating citizens & bringing awareness about a habitual change in the plastic disposing ways

Development of mega recycling hubs for plastic, medical, e-waste in Uttar Pradesh

Highlighting latest innovations which are helping create environmentally friendly products made from natural bio-based materials that are more easily recycled, compostable and biodegradable

Creating awareness about importance of plastic recycling and channelizing all kinds of used clean plastic for recycling thus ensuring the greener cleaner environment

Exchanging knowledge and network with more organisations working to reduce their dependence on fossil fuel-based plastics.