Take dive into the world of plastic

Focusing on Sustainable Development

The word plastic usually brings about the idea of harmful impacts, but there is a lot more to it. Numerous campaigns have been launched and initiatives have been taken to make the world plastic-free. The fact that not just bottles and poly bags contain plastic is somewhat hidden at the back. The idea of reusing plastic sustainably is the idea to go forward with. Removal and recycling are what we are focusing on in a positive way and by creating optimistic campaigns. Likewise, Ambuja Cement and ACC have launched a campaign to remove plastic waste from the Yamuna River. Bubble barrier technology is used to remove the waste from rivers on a large scale. The numbers that we are looking at are on a large scale and extremely effective.

A way towards sustainability

What we see is sustainability instead of eradication completely, as that is a far-fetched idea. Educating people about the uses and positive sides of plastic is important. This creates a positive impact so that the current plastic items can be used in a better way. Similarly, the campaign started by Ambuja cement and ACC works towards creating a better future. Instead of this, we can also look at the initiative taken by the government in 2016 with their Plastic Waste Management Act. Curbing the use of plastics all over the country to achieve a plastic-free nation was indeed a thoughtful initiative.


We are looking at a more effective form of solution to eradicate the issue. A dive into the deeper waters brings out the facts of which people need to be aware. The use of plastics in a scientific manner to create an impact change is what we are looking for here.

This is why the structure of the plastic changes and the treatment as well. Such campaigns will help people realize the right way to deal with plastics. Also, organizations like Know Plastics have been working on the agenda to provide accurate information to society regarding this. Thus, it becomes important to support such initiatives at every level one can. Not only are we looking at reducing the waste that is discharged, but the “call to action” campaign also has other goals. With the right manpower and resources, all of it is possible for a better tomorrow.