Recycling plastics

Boris Johnson’s on  Recycling plastic solution:

Boris Johnson, The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, recently said about the recycling of plastics. That human can’t rely on recycling to be the main solution to tackle climate change. The Prime Minister told a children’s press conference ahead of COP26 that recycling “isn’t the answer-you’re not going to like this but recycling doesn’t begin to address the problem”

“There are several ways to move beyond plastic. Such as making things out of seaweed, banana leaves, coconut, and other natural materials, and it works; we just need to do it and move on. There are about 12 companies at the moment 12 big corporations. That are producing the overwhelming bulk of the world’s plastic big famous drink companies. Such as Cocacola and others which are responsible for producing huge quantities of plastic. And we’ve got to move away from that and find other ways of packaging and selling of the stuffs because it’s just ending up in the ecosystem”

He was also saying that recycling is a “red herring.” If people believe they can recycle their way out of the problem. They are making a huge mistake for the planet.” And as the PM says, there’s a limit to how many times plastic can be in the recycling process. However, recycling a plastic bottle is far preferable to throwing it away. Because recycling plastic not only helps to mitigate climate change. But also keeps waste out of the oceans, conserves energy, and conserves some of the earth’s precious resources.

Waste management plan:

There are plans to increase recycling in England. Which “typically results in lower carbon emissions when compared to manufacturing products from virgin materials,” according to the government.
“Priority is given to preventing waste in the first place, followed by preparing waste for reuse, recycling, and finally recovery,” according to England’s waste management plan.