marine litter

A comprehensive analysis of marine litter and plastic pollution confirms the need for immediate global action. According to a comprehensive assessment released today by the UN Environment Programme, a drastic reduction in unnecessary, avoidable, and problematic plastic is critical to addressing the global pollution crisis (UNEP). An accelerated transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies, the elimination of subsidies, and a shift toward circular approaches will all aid in the reduction of plastic waste on a large enough scale.

From Pollution to Solution: A global assessment of marine litter and plastic pollution reveals a growing threat in all ecosystems, from source to sea. It also demonstrates that, while we have the know-how. We require political will and immediate action from the government to address the looming crisis. The report will be used to inform discussions at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2) in 2022. When countries will meet to decide how to move forward with global cooperation.

Why is it important?

Plastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems has increased dramatically. In recent years and is expected to more than double by 2030. With disastrous consequences for human health, the global economy, biodiversity, and the climate.

The assessment, which was released ten days before the COP26, emphasizes that plastics are also a climate problem: According to a life cycle analysis, greenhouse gas emissions from plastics were 1.7 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e) in 2015 and are expected to rise to approximately 6.5 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2050, accounting for 15% of the global carbon budget. 

The authors cast doubt on the ability to recycle away from the plastic pollution crisis. They warn against harmful alternatives to single-use and other plastic products. Such as bio-based or biodegradable plastics, which pose a chemical threat comparable to conventional plastics.

Plastic waste management 

The report examines critical market failures such as the low price of virgin fossil fuel feedstocks compared to recycled materials. Fragmented efforts in informal and formal plastic waste management, and a lack of consensus on global solutions.

“This assessment provides the strongest scientific argument to date for the urgency. To act, as well as for collective action to protect and restore our oceans from source to sea,” said UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen. “A major concern is the fate of breakdown products such as microplastics and chemical additives, many of which are toxic and dangerous to both human and wildlife health and ecosystems.” The rapid increase in public awareness of ocean plastic pollution is encouraging. We must capitalize on this momentum to focus on the opportunities for a clean, healthy, and resilient ocean.”

According to the report, plastic accounts for 85 percent of marine litter, and by 2040, the volume of plastic pollution flowing into marine areas will nearly triple, adding 23-37 million metric tonnes of plastic waste to the ocean each year. This equates to approximately 50kg of plastic per meter of coastline worldwide.

What can be the solution?

The assessment advocates for immediate plastic reduction and encourages a transformation of the entire plastic value chain. Further investments in far more robust and effective monitoring systems. To identify the sources, scale, and fate of plastic, as well as the development of a risk framework. Which is currently lacking on a global scale. To enable more responsible choices, a shift to circular approaches is important. Including sustainable consumption and production practices, accelerated development and adoption of alternatives by businesses, and increased consumer awareness.