Plastic pollution solutions to COP26 in Glasgow

COP26 in GlasgowAs we know that Plastic pollution costs everyone, And the environment pays the ultimate price. What if, less money was spent on inadequate management of this vast problem- and more on solutions, and the work of innovation and creation with the campaigns that address the root causes of plastic pollution and its impact on climate change at the Global level will be made visible at COP26 in Glasgow this week.

Plastic- a major environmental issue:

Plastic is one of the major environmental issues, that we all are struggling with, the main contributor to climate change at every single phase of its life cycle. From emissions of greenhouse gases during its manufacture to pollution caused by its burning. It has a huge impact on the ecosystem when it releases its harmful effects on the environment.

The fight against Plastic Pollution:

Plastic pollution costs everyone, Government is paying millions to fight the scourge of plastic waste. The city authorities in low-income countries spend 20% of their budgets on solid waste management. Businesses are now becoming responsible for paying for the recovery and processing of plastic waste. The Citizens have no choice but to pay for excess packaging and waste disposal and the environment pays the ultimate price. Despite these huge costs, managing plastic waste is not effective.

Better recycling and recovery in source countries with the regulatory enforcement to ensure legal trade of plastic is reusable and ends up being recycling process!

The total trash- a plastic revolution:

The revolution of plastic and its exhibition will be a visual treat. With its work that would be currently, proceed in Bangladesh with the partnership of Kenya. The current national picture, named “the total trash” get inspired by the artists in the Democratic Republic Of Congo, and this plastic disaster is all set to shock, amuse, and involve the visitors to COP26.

However, for decades, plastic waste has been a global commodity. But ‘contamination of recyclable plastic waste is more often. This plastic waste often goes for the recycling process and reusing them is also quite oftem. Meaning that plastic waste travels thousands of kilometers- to end up incinerated, dumped, and leaked into rivers and sea.