Plastic pollution is one of the most difficult environmental issues to address because non-biodegradable waste is spreading all over the world, even to the most remote locations. Plastic waste can be found as high as Mount Everest’s summit and as deep as the Earth’s deepest ocean trench. In addition to the greenhouse gas emissions caused by material extraction, refining, and production, poor plastic waste management results in millions of tonnes of marine litter and land pollution. As a result, plastics are at the heart of each of the UN Environment Programme’s three global crises: climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Despite the global reach of plastics, there has been no concerted global effort to directly address the problem, highlighting the need for a harmonized approach, potentially in the form of a global plastics treaty.

Plastics production increased twentyfold in 50 years

Global plastics production increased twentyfold in 50 years, from 15 million metric tonnes in 1964 to 311 million in 2014. In recent years, production has approached 400 million tonnes. But this total now outnumbers plastic recycling, which has a global average of less than 9%. And accounts for less than 10% of all plastic waste in the United States. This mismatch has serious environmental costs and consequences, including greenhouse gas emissions, pollutants in the environment, and waste, which results in marine debris, biodiversity, and health effects.

Plastics are inextricably connecting global oil production and, as a result, harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Between 4% and 8% of global oil production are in use to make plastics. Which is roughly the same amount of oil consumption each year by the global aviation sector. Natural gas also becoming a growing source of it. Global greenhouse gas emissions from plastic production and use are expected to exceed 56 gigatonnes. Accounting for roughly 10-13% of the remaining greenhouse gas emissions that could cause the worst effects of climate change. These emissions from the plastics lifecycle endanger the goal of keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, especially in light of the recent IPCC report.

A real solution includes accountability, transparency, monitoring, and responsible action is required.

Every year, between 5 million and 13 million metric tonnes of plastic waste become visible pollution as a result of poor plastic management throughout their lifecycle. Every year, approximately 11 million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean. Making it one of the most damaging sources of marine pollution. Overall, the total environmental costs to society and consumers were USD 139 billion in 2015, and we estimate that it will rise upto USD 209 billion per year by 2025.

It’s no surprise, then, that the use of plastic, particularly single-use plastic is becoming more scrutinized. Given the future risks posed by the plastics industry’s growth and plastic waste. It is becoming increasingly important to address plastic throughout its lifecycle. Fossil fuel extraction, plastics refining, production and manufacturing, distribution, consumption and usage, and waste management. Plastics are particularly difficult to manage due to their numerous types and applications, primarily single-use, recyclable, and microplastics.

Many countries have started to take action to address issues such as marine litter, single-use plastics, and plastic waste management. With the EU’s directive on single-use plastics, ASEAN member states adopted a regional action plan to combat plastic pollution. Kenya banning plastic bags are just a few examples. Another voluntary effort is the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment and Plastics Pact. Which encourages businesses to start setting concrete targets and goals for a plastics circular economy. While such initiatives through corporate and government action are increasing. Their voluntary nature cannot drive the systematic change that the entire plastics economy requires.